I am so happy that you are here on this earth and on this website. You are here for a reason and I look forward to helping you find balance in all areas of your life. Take a deep breath and take a look around the site, it's filled with support, tools and guidance to help you on your journey back to wholeness.

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

mind body balance

The heart of MBB is to guide women to holistically heal from within through the use of nutrition, mindset and energy work.

I spent the majority of my life living in a small-minded, helpless, victim mentality that kept me anxious, sick and wishing that I could just be healthy like everyone else. It took a debilitating digestive disorder, panic attacks and hormone imbalances for me to really wake up and take my health into my own hands. This is when I started researching how nutrition affected the body and how powerful our subconscious mind is. Through many trials and errors, becoming a holistic health coach, then a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner and now a Reiki practitioner, I have formulated a program that I wish I would have had years ago when I first began my journey. I am so excited to share Mind Body Balance with you and for it to change women’s lives across the world!

Mind Body Balance Holistic's was born after a long journey to finding true health in my own life.


Making the decision to change your lifestyle and focus on health is one of the best decisions you can make! You can begin today by downloading a free health foundations PDF to get started on your healing journey!

Download the freebie

Have you ever felt like this..

I’ve been there I am here to tell you that there is hope. I have been in the midst of the storm and survived - and now I can help you find a way through. Together we will use the pillars of mind, body and balance to bring true deep healing specific to you.

Have you gone to multiple doctors looking for help with gut, hormonal or mental health issues with no solution or end in sight?

Do you struggle with digestive issues that interfere with living your life to the fullest?

Do you dread your time of the month because of PMS or are seeking getting off of birth control safely?

Are you seeking a way to live more deeply whole and happy but just don’t know how to get there?

I totally get how frustrating any of these symptoms can be and feel for you sister!!


Maggie is truly one of the most genuine and kind people I have ever met!

"She cares so much about her clients and is always available to chat if/when you need it. Her experience with her own health journey has allowed her to help heal and guide others on their own with confidence. I have been dealing with hormonal acne for about a year and once I reached out to Maggie a couple of months ago she has been able to help me balance my hormones with a holistic approach by focusing on the root cause of the hormonal imbalance. Any time I am feeling down and helpless she is always there to lift me up and remind me of how much progress I have made. I would absolutely recommend Maggie to anyone who wants to heal their health in a holistic and natural way. Maggie is so knowledgeable, kind, genuine, and full of love! I feel so grateful to know her and have her by my side throughout my health journey."

It was amazing. Intense, relaxing, and healing.

"I’ve known Maggie for about a year through the NTA course and recently did my first reiki session with her. WOW! I’ve known about reiki for many years but had never done it. It was amazing. Intense, relaxing, and healing. So powerful I want my husband and son to do it too. You are a beautiful light Maggie, thank you!"

She held a really safe container which allowed me to express freely.

“My kundalini session with Maggie was more than I had expected entering into it. She intertwined her profound & palpable ability to see me & hold me at my highest potential & truest essence while deeply meeting me exactly where I am at- creating the most magical of experiences. She came to me, beautified my space, & cleansed my field to ensure for the most sacred experience possible. She held a really safe container which allowed me to express freely."

I feel really good! I lost 5 lbs already! 

"I know its mostly bloating and inflammation but its pretty great to see my body respond positively. My husband had actually been telling my to cut added sugars for awhile so he's very happy I am making changes and also a little annoyed I didn't listen to him sooner."

Maggie taught me the science behind the imbalance occurring in my body, and gave me all the tools to heal.

My whole life I have dealt with hormone imbalance, but I thought it was “normal” because my symptoms were so common. I’ve had severe acne, confusing mood swings, depression, irregular periods, fluctuating weight, and much more. Going to the doctor was never any help. Maggie taught me the science behind the imbalance occurring in my body, and gave me all the tools to heal. There were no easy fixes, it was a deep process in which we addressed my entire lifestyle. Maggie was the best coach because she gave me the power to use my own intuition and understand how to heal my own mind and body. My skin is clear and glowing, I am now more in-tune with my body than ever, and I live, love, and breathe by my menstrual cycle. When issues come up, I know how to rebalance. I’m empowered as heck.